Pest Control Info
Saint Paul, OR

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Mosquito Season:

May To Sept

Termite Probability:


Saint Paul, OR Pest Statistics

  • Around 31 pest control companies service Saint Paul residents with an average customer service rating of 4.0 out of 5.

  • Anopheles mosquitoes are common in the Saint Paul area with mosquito season lasting from May to September.

  • Roach density in Saint Paul is very heavy with German cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches being present.

  • Deer mice, and Roof rats can be found in Saint Paul.

  • The Brown dog tick, Deer tick, and common flea are active year round.

  • Saint Paul is home to many stinging insects including Forest yellowjackets, Blackjackets, Bald-faced hornets, Aerial yellowjackets, and European paper wasps.

  • Roughly 109 ant species have been found in Oregon with the Tapinoma sessile specie being the most popular.

  • Bed bug density is moderate in Saint Paul, Oregon.

Frequently Asked Questions for Saint Paul

Based on market research, an average of $35 to $50 a month for basic pest control services can help protect your Saint Paul, OR home from the most common household pests. Longer billing cycles could be available to help discount the rate. A startup fee and contract agreement may be required for pest control plans. Pests that are more difficult to exterminate, such as bed bugs, are usually not included in basic pest plans.

Some Marion County residents prefer pest control only when a pest has been spotted. Determined by the severity of the infestation and the pest, one time visits average $200 to $500. Although a one time visit could be necessary, monthly pest control services tend to be cheaper and continue to keep household pests under control.

With termites light in the Marion County, Bed bug infestation extermination in Saint Paul, OR is usually the most common and costly service, averaging $1 per square foot.

Having Pest Issues? Call 877-530-7378

Common Pests In Saint Paul, Oregon

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Anopheles Mosquitoes

Anopheles mosquitoes are identified by their brownish-yellow hue and scaly wings, and are characterized by their resting posture at a slight upward angle. Female Anopheles mosquitoes require blood meals for egg production, and will bite animals such as cattle or humans for this purpose. These mosquitoes are known to seek out dim, sheltered areas to rest during the day, while they remain active during the night. In natural settings, Anopheles mosquitoes have a lifespan of up to two weeks and are frequently found near water sources, regardless of size.

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Oriental Cockroach

Oriental cockroaches have a shiny black exterior. Males grow to 25 millimeters in length and have short wings. Females reach 32 millimeters and do not have wings. Oriental cockroaches are commonly found in dark and damp areas such as drain pipes, sewers, basements, and crawl spaces. They prefer to feed off of trash and decaying organic matter. While their bites are not dangerous, they can spread many diseases by simply walking around. Take care of any leaks, regularly clean garbage cans, and seal off potential points of entry to prevent them from entering a home.

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Tapinoma sessile

Tapinoma sessile, the Odorous House ant or Sugar ant, are black or dark brown in color and are about 1/8th of an inch in size. They are considered to be one of the most adaptable species of ants and can survive and nest in many different environments. They are drawn to sugary or sweet smells and frequently infiltrate homes to forage. Bait traps work really well when it comes to getting them out of your home.

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Roof Rats

Roof rats have long bodies covered in soft brown fur. They have light colored bellies and long skinny tails. A mature roof rat’s body can reach up to 8 inches in length with their tail measuring up to an additional 10 inches. They prefer to nest in areas of such as attics, ceilings, and behind walls. Roof rats are food hoarders by nature and seek out fruit, nuts, and seeds to transport back to their nest. Seal any cracks in foundations or siding, repair gaps in doorways, and screen windows to prevent them from coming inside your Saint Paul, OR home.

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Hobo Spider

Hobo spiders are not distinct looking, making them difficult to identify. They have a brown body color and gray and yellow markings on their abdomens. They have particularly long legs and can grow to be about 1/2 an inch in size. Hobo spiders construct funnel-shaped webs which they use to trap prey such as flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes and other small insects. Due to the fact that they are poor climbers, they typically reside underground and are commonly found in cracks and crevices, and in basements and window wells.

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Forest Yellowjackets

Forest Yellowjackets have the traditional black and yellow wasp coloring and can grow up to 15 millimeters in length. They predominantly nest high up in trees. Due to their reclusive nature, Forest Yellowjackets will aggressively swarm and attack potential threats. Their nests are smaller in size and usually contain about 500 wasps inside. They feed off of nectar and will seek out sugary substances.

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Deer Ticks

Ixodes scapularis, commonly known as Deer Ticks, are a species of tick that exhibit a reddish-brown coloration with a hard, black exoskeleton, and can grow up to 3 millimeters in length. These ticks are notorious for their ability to transmit Lyme disease, a debilitating bacterial infection. Deer Ticks are known to lurk in tall grass and brushy areas of Saint Paul, OR, waiting for a suitable host to walk by, at which point they attach themselves and begin feeding until fully engorged.

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Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, brown insects, about the size of an apple seed, that feed on blood by biting their host, causing itchy and irritating skin lesions. They are known to inhabit furniture, mattresses, headboards, and other small, tight spaces, making them difficult to detect and eliminate. To prevent infestations in your Saint Paul home, maintaining a regular cleaning schedule, minimizing clutter in the home, and exercising caution while traveling are recommended.

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